Friday, September 18, 2009

Treatment of prostate cancer

Treatment methods

Currently, there are many ways to treat prostate cancer. The method chosen depends on several factors: the general health and age of the patient, as well as stage of disease at the time of detection of the tumor.

Take the time to study the existing methods of treatment. Do not take hasty decisions. The most common treatments for prostate cancer - surgery, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. Sometimes it is more expedient expectant management.

Expectant management

In many cases, prostate cancer progresses very slowly, so patients older than 70 years, sometimes not require treatment. In this case, the doctor suggests to wait a little, but continue to monitor. If the regular inspection reveals that tumor growth was accelerated, the patient will be offered intensive treatment.


The purpose of this operation - removal of a cancerous tumor. In the case of radical prostatectomy removes the entire prostate gland and the surrounding tissues. This operation is only possible if the tumor has not spread beyond the prostate gland. Access is provided to the prostate through an incision in the lower abdomen. After the surgery, a catheter is inserted into the urethra to drain urine. He removed a few weeks, but after that you may have problems with leakage and incontinence. In some cases, over time, this side effect is by itself and sometimes requires treatment with medication and physiotherapy. During the operation may be affected by the nerves responsible for erection. As a result, there may be problems with erectile dysfunction and even impotence. The difficulties are both temporary and permanent. Discuss these issues with your doctor, choosing the method of treatment. There are sparing methods of surgical treatment of prostate cancer, reducing the risk of impotence.

Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) - another type of surgery used in cases where it is not radical prostatectomy. Introduced an instrument through the urethra, through which burn a separate section of the prostate gland. The incision in this case is not needed, and the urinary catheter is inserted into the urethra, only a few days, until then, until it stops bleeding. Impotence and incontinence after such an operation are rare. The main drawback of this type of surgery is that most of the affected prostate cancer is not removed, it is impossible to talk about total recovery of the patient.


Cryosurgery - a relatively new method of treatment of prostate cancer. In the rods, which are introduced into the prostate, are very low temperatures, which destroy cancer cells.


There are two types of radiation therapy for prostate cancer. In the first case the external radiation, like X-rays. Sessions are held daily and take a few minutes. Course of treatment - 6-7 weeks. Using computed tomography help determine the localization of the tumor and irradiate more aiming.

In the latter case, an inner radiation: the radiation source is placed directly into the tissue of the prostate and act within a few months, after which the self-inactivated.

Radiation therapy has side effects. Many patients complain of fatigue, stomach upset (diarrhea, nausea), difficulty urinating and prolonged erection.

Hormone therapy

The tumor in the prostate gland depends on the content of the male hormone testosterone in the blood. Reduced testosterone levels can reduce the tumor or slow its growth. Reduce the level of testosterone can be through the removal of the testicles (testectomy), since it is they might have a lot of testosterone. Alternative to this method is a method of hormonal preparations.

Hormonal therapy only slows the progression, but does not cure prostate cancer. Injections Lyuprona (lyuprolida) or Zoledeksa (goserelin) block signals the pituitary on the development in the testes of sex hormones (including - testosterone). Hormone therapy also has side effects: infertility, decreased libido, hot flashes, impotence and osteoporosis.


Treatment with drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body, applies only in cases where the tumor has spread to other organs. The purpose of such treatment - reducing pain and slowing tumor growth. According to recent studies, the drug Taxotere (doksetatsel) increases the life expectancy of patients with prostate cancer with metastases to other organs.

Effects of treatment for prostate cancer

After treatment for prostate cancer patient remains under the constant supervision of a physician. To identify the possible recurrence of the disease are appointed by regular surveys and tests (including - PSA-test). At detection of secondary cancer of the prostate, treatment is selected based techniques used for the first time.

Latest achievements in the study of prostate cancer

HPC1 gene. The discovery of this gene allows us to hope that soon there will be new data on the genetic mechanisms that lead to cancer of the prostate gland. May be developed tests that allow to identify an increased susceptibility to the disease and to conduct a survey of men at risk at an earlier age.

Angiogenesis. Currently being tested new drugs, which are expected to limit the spread of the tumor at the expense of its blood supply. There are also clinical trials of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).
Vaccines for prostate cancer. Tested several types of vaccines, enhance immunity against cancer of the prostate gland.
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Key facts about prostate cancer

Prostate cancer - a very common and dangerous disease. Recently, however, the prognosis for patients with this diagnosis has improved considerably. 58% of all cases of prostate cancer diagnosed at an early stage when the tumor is still localized. The 5-year survival rate with up to 99%.

What is the prostate gland and how it works?

The prostate is located below the bladder, in front of the rectum. Normally, it should be the size of a walnut. A prostate is the urethra (the urethra).

The prostate produces a secret, which, mixing with the semen, seminal fluid forms and ensures free movement of sperm. Removal of the prostate does not pass without a trace, but it is not a vital organ. Man can do without prostate cancer.

Do all prostate tumors are malignant?

The increase in prostate cancer observed in many men, especially in old age. Sometimes, this expansion is benign, while in prostate cancer cells is not detected. Patients usually are diagnosed with "benign prostatic hyperplasia. In other cases, the growth is due to the cancer cells. This condition is called a malignant tumor or cancer of the prostate gland.
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Side effects of surgery to remove prostate cancer

You are offered surgery to remove prostate cancer? Then must keep in mind several factors that will help assess whether it is needed in your case. On the one hand, if the tumor has not spread beyond the prostate, then in 90% of cases with surgical cancer cured.

However, any operation associated with the risk of blood loss, infection and complications from anesthesia. Operations on the prostate gland has other specific side effects.

The method of surgical intervention

Method of surgical intervention is chosen depending on the size and location of the tumor. Discuss everything with your doctor: this information will help you make the right decision.

The most common operation is possible if the cancer has not spread beyond the prostate gland. In this case, the surgeon removes the prostate and the tissue around it.

* Radical prostatectomy. Removed prostate gland with seminal vesicles (glands involved in the development of sperm). The operation is performed through an incision in the lower abdomen or in the perineum between the scrotum and the anus. In both cases, taking steps to inflict minimal damage to the nerves responsible for erections. This is possible only if the tumor does not extend to the trunks of nerves. But even after such an operation does not exclude the development of impotence.
* Laparoscopic prostatectomy. This is the latest method of operation using the most modern technology. Instead of a large incision in the abdomen make only small incisions through which the abdominal cavity is entered with a lighted optical instrument (laparoscope), video camera and miniature surgical instruments. On the screen the surgeon sees what is happening inside the abdominal cavity. Sometimes surgery is performed using the robotic system. When laparoscopic prostatectomy also trying to keep sex nerves. But because the method is relatively new, to do such an operation should be an experienced physician.

Side effects after surgery for prostate

You've heard about the major side effects of such an operation - is impotence and incontinence. Knowing this, difficult to accept the operation. But try to take into account all factors. Perhaps what is said below affect your decision.

* Impotence (or erectile dysfunction) - is the inability to achieve erection. Two of the nerve responsible for the occurrence of sexual arousal, located next to the prostate gland. During the operation, they may damage or removal.

Postoperative impotence may be temporary, because often after a while the nerves regenerate. If at least one nerve was spared, erections should return. Recovery process can take from four months to several years, but an erection may be weaker and shorter than before surgery.

The younger the patient, the higher the chance to keep the previous ability to erection. If before the operation had already been problems likely to recur after treatment.

Even if the operation would lead to impotence, the penis will still retain sensitivity. The patient will be able to experience orgasm, but most likely, an orgasm is not accompanied by the ejection of sperm. Now there are many devices and medicines to help restore erections.

* Urinary incontinence. Loss of control over the functions of the bladder can cause:
o Involuntary dribbling of urine (stress urinary)
o Difficulties with the start of urination and dribbling of urine due to the feeling of overcrowding in the bladder
o Sudden urge to urinate.

Urinary incontinence - a common but often temporary postoperative complication, which passes within a few weeks or months after treatment. However, approximately one-third of men observed stress incontinence and a small leak urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing and exercise.

Help may be different ways of treatment, including - surgical and medical. Also recommended a set of Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the bladder.

Discuss with your doctor the possible consequences of surgery on the prostate gland. Learn what you can do to avoid or reduce side effects.
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