Children - is not just a room, a separate "house in the house, and all that is in it, must approach it for the baby. There are several factors that must be considered when creating a cozy children's world, such as age, sex, temperament and interests of the child. Importantly, many children will occupy a total living space and what their relationships.
Children's room should be clearly divided into zones and each of them are highlighted.
Bedroom - for this part of the room suitable wallpaper and textiles calm shades. The main attribute - of course, bed. It may be extensible to grow with your child. The calm tones, decorative pillows, soft toys, blankets - an important component clearance bedroom area.
Games - in this space is allowed riot of colors, the same applies to the room, which is a sports complex. Intense colors excite, tuned to the active games and exercises. Usually games leave the maximum space. If space allows, there may fit even slide. A toy is better to hide in order not to hinder.
Working - for this zone, where there is a table where the child draws, a master of crafts, etc., it makes sense to choose the wallpaper of neutral shades, with no picture - nothing should distract the child from his work. This part of the room should be lit particularly well.
It is better to place a table near the window, so that the daylight falls on the working surface of the front or left. The height of the chair and table should be selected on the growth of the child.
Color the walls of each zone can be maintained in a tone of the floor. Sometimes the general coverage put some small mats, harmonizing in color with accessories in a specific area of child.
Thus, we get the same "house in the house. In adults, there is a bedroom, living room, study - and the children there own "flatlet". Why all this? Through this organization the child begins to feel more independent, self-confident - he's the boss here, he is responsible for what happens here.
For the windows in the children can choose tulle and curtains with a pattern. Options include: you can buy bright curtains and tulle in quiet tones, or, conversely, a beautiful bright-colored tulle and quiet shades. With the help of magnetic accessories - butterflies, teddy bears or gay peas - can be easily varied and the length of the curtains.
Enable children to themselves to maintain order in his room, they must create certain conditions. Do not put children in "adult" dressing room to the ceiling (he, of course, very roomy and comfortable - for you, but not for the baby). The shelves are located high up bars do not reach to get socks or dress, need to stand on a chair - all this is inconvenient and even dangerous. Rule: everything furniture in the nursery must meet the growth (and age) of the child. Only then you can easily train him to order. The same applies to the shelves for toys, books and other things.
For girls pripevochki
Girlish child - is the realm of soft toys, dolls and their numerous "dowry". Some of the rooms in which reigns a little princess, drawn in delicate colors - pink, yellow, beige. Mandatory attributes become the mirror frame for photos, flowers, dolls' houses, charming CPMP in cribs and wheelchairs.
Suggest daughter put on an elegant bedside table alarm clock, and photos - the choice of the little hostess. Plaids and decorative pillows add warmth and coziness, and a nice chandelier and sconces perfect complement "boudoir Princess".
For boys, rascals
Here is the construction of roads, hurrying to the train tracks, brave Indians come to grips with the cowboys, and pirates take to boarding ships ... In this room there should be strict like a man, without the girlish frills.
In the gaming zone capacious enough to accommodate multiple boxes for toys or choose a special cabinet module for the necessary details: clean up after a typewriter, as if in a garage, and the heroes of westerns - at home - is not difficult. On the walls of the room look good on posters with your favorite heroes of cartoons on the shelves remarkably settled collectable model cars - the dream of every father, and the ceiling is flying an airplane - a funny light. Do not forget to also place in different locations several sconces or lamps, to every corner of the room was well lit.
When in the room two "residents", the space must be divided into two: each requires sleeping, working and playing zone. If the room is small, is to buy a bunk bed - it saves much space. But the work zone will still have to arrange for each his own.
The difficulty lies in the fact that, as a rule, children of different temperaments, and everyone wants to have all "own". And if children between the age difference is small, perhaps they will want to possess very similar or even identical, home furnishings, (then the parents have to buy aksessury double quantity). Incidentally, such problems typically face the parents of twins.
When things in the room builds up too much for the kids safety is important that the furniture did not have sharp edges, or at least, was equipped with special linings.
And in general, of course, is to attract children to participate directly in the arrangement of rooms: they have there own opinions faster and produces a taste that is important for overall development.
Shrouded in secrecy
love to settle in his room corners, hidden from 'outsiders' eyes. Therefore, designers offer "houses" ready-made. Typically, these "houses" resemble tents.
But there is another option - when the bed is located on the second floor of the structure, and beneath it there is free space. This space is easily transformed into a "secret" game zone - is to hang light, but opaque curtain. Students can deploy a desk and some shelves for books - very convenient!
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